Visual Arts
Read my posts on: #art
Stuff I Made/Did
Projects I'm Involved In
The following are some groups or activities I've joined, related to art:
KL Sketchnation
KL Sketchnation (KLSN) is a community of urban sketchers who have been around for a number of years, hosting sketchwalks but also other events and activities. I joined them as a member of Bangsa Pelakar in 2019 for fun, and have gotten to know a lot of amazing and inspiring artists since then.

Read my posts about KLSN here.
MY Artjamming
MY Artjamming is an art community I co-founded with Cikgu Huda to conduct monthly artjamming sessions, where we make art (and friends!) as a form of expression and as a way of healing.
Established in 2018, we've run over 15 sessions with different themes related to arts and crafts to invite those interested/curious about art to have fun.
Pink Tank Collective
Pink Tank Collective is an independent group of creatives established in 2019 to promote Malaysia's vibrant arts scene, aiming to bring people together through art and culture.
Our premier exhibition, P!NK, A Group Art Exhibition featured over 20 Malaysians artists with artworks revolving around the color 'pink'.
P!NK,'s first exhibition was held at Rumah Tangsi in the first half of October, 2019 and we continued at ZHAN Art|Space in the second half of the month.
P!NK,'s first exhibition was held at Rumah Tangsi in the first half of October, 2019 and we continued at ZHAN Art|Space in the second half of the month.
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