Virtual Artjamming (2021, January)

Huda and I haven't been able to organise any physical MY Artjamming sessions in months, so when my childhood friend Yas (also a regular for MYAJ), asked if there would be an artjamming session for the new year, Huda reached out to a few regulars to ask if we were up for a virtual artjam.

Yes!, of course we were.

Our collaborative drawing!

And so on the very first day of January 2021, Huda, Yasmin, Ariana, Suraya, and I had our very own small-scale online artjam via Zoom!

The first thing we did during the session was a reflection activity -- we thought about how our 2019 and 2020 went, and then visualised ourselves and/or our situations in our own way. We used ZOOM's whiteboard feature for this, and together we came up with the collaborative drawing above. It was both fun and funny.

Since there wasn't really a set task or anything that day (we just wanted to have fun really), I suggested we try out an art meme/challenge to make your own original character (OC) based on a few prompts. It was just a cute like activity where we can learn more about each other too.

A collage of the drawings we made

Reflecting and laughing while doodling with them was a lovely way to start the new year for me, and the session (which lasted for about 1.5 hours) made me hopeful for the year ahead tbh.

I really hope we can get back to doing MY Artjamming again. I miss it so much.

Last Updated: 2021-01-06


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