Musings: Angels exist in different forms

My car broke down on my way back home from work yesterday.

It was close to 10pm, and it started to drizzle when the engine kept dying after a few seconds of driving. It was a pretty horrible day, haha.

When my parents arrived to help me out, we were told by a few people who were eating at some stalls nearby that there is a small car workshop close to where I was parked. And it happened to be open at night. So yeah, miracles do happen.

After talking to the main mechanic (who said the problem was with a spark in the engine), we left the car with him so that he didn't have to rush to fix it.

He called me around 7pm today to say the car was ready, so at around 8pm, we went to the workshop again. He charged me RM90, which I thought was pretty reasonable as it is... until I realise that he fixed not only the engine, but also a part of the engine frame which had a small hole, the lever to open the trunk, and one of the red rear lights (which I didn't realise wasn't working until he brought it up). He also tightened the wide rearview mirror I'd clipped onto the original one (which was very wobbly before) and corrected the petrol door which sometimes gets stuck (it's an old secondhand car, so these are just wear and tear issues).

He did all this without charging extra, even though he went above and beyond.

I really appreciate that he took care of 'minor' things even when he didn't have to, and that he was easygoing (and patient!) with me who is clueless about cars. 

Although not really related: I love his name (Aduka) and told him how unique his name is. He smiled :)

I'm so glad that people like him exist. What an angel in disguise.

Sharing this here as a reminder that there are people out there who are kind and helpful. Please don't lose hope in humanity.


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